Friday, December 4, 2009

On the drive to work...

12/04/2009.. Friday, making my daily commute to work, I noticed one of the billboards up in Woods Cross promoting breast augmentation. One of the many companies who do so. The billboards says "Breast Augmentation... Be envied by your neighborhood" or something to that effect. Followed by a picture of a bunch of babies looking upward, with an expression on their face like they just found a gold mine of milk. Babies love big boobs, I guess.

Here is the thing that bothers me. "be envied by your neighborhood" (lets just say that this is the slogan, because its pretty damn close to this)... First off, I am a person of smaller cha cha's and I don't envy woman with big boobs. I sorta feel bad for them, if you want me to be honest. What the hell do you do with those things? I would think that for any physical activity, and not the kind that you sexual animals are thinking of (dirty dawgs), but any sport activity, I would think you have to spend a couple extra minutes preparing those things for whatever you plan to do. But, like I said, I dont have big cha cha's so i wouldn't know. However, there once was a time when i did, and it was back in Jr high.( I think all my baby fat went north or something.) Anyway, I remember having to wear two bras. It was the only way to keep them close to my body so they wouldn't move all over the place. Hard work though. Too much work for me! And you can't slack on something like this! I have seen ladies who have, and sometimes it looks like two pigs fighting under a blanket while they are out there running around. Its not pretty, take my word for it.
Anyway, back to what I was saying... "Be envied by your neighborhood", I dont know about you, but my neighborhood is full of men and older women. I highly doubt any of the men would be envious, even though I'm sure they wouldnt mind the view, and older women who have been through the life of bigger boobs already know what your future holds with those things, and I'm sure its nothing to look forward to.

Here is what this slogan says to me "Have big boobs and everyone will like you". Umm.. not true! I know alot of girls that went and got boobs jobs and I still dont like them :) ha ha.. ok ok, I'm kidding. But there is no envy whatsoever.

Now, we can keep the slogan.. but its the picture that sets the visual of what they are talking about. Babies+ big boobs= Food forever and happy babies! right?

Lets switch the visual to see if it connects to alot more women... How about a bunch of women, running for the finish line, the ones with bigger boobs further back struggling (boobs flying all over the place, hunched over, out of breath) and then the smaller chested women up ahead running with ease and perfect form, head up, shoulders back, enjoying the scenery.

Yes, I like this one a lot better. Why is it when a company whats to promote breast augmentation they opt for the augmentation for bigger breasts? I dont get it. There is another kind of augmentation that reduces the size.. why don't we see any promoting for that sort of thing? there might be alot more women who can reflect on that situation.

Not everyone wants to look like Pam Anderson, not anymore at least because she looks awful!You have the type of women who feel sexy and confident through their workouts and being physically fit, you have the other type who feel confident because they are gorgeous, stylish, and have sexy bodies without much work. Why do companies promote to the second type, which is for the "looks", not the well-being?

Dear advertising agencies, please keep putting up dumb billboards so I have opinions to think about on my way to work and to post on my blog. Your work is appreciated!