Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Everybody needs a little change...

This time of year is always the time I feel like a change. What do I ALWAYS tend to change? My hair. I love different colors, I love funky short hair. Spring and Summer, I go blond. Fall and Winter, I go brown.
There was one point, when I was in college, that my hair was short. I came home and somehow grew it out. I had long hair for about a year, loved it! You dont realize how much you miss a ponytail until its gone. One day I bought my favorite magazine, Oxygen. And my idol, Jaime Eason, was on the cover. She had the cutest A-line, inverted hairstyle, and I had to have it! So, being winter, and needing my 'change'.. I went for the A-line. The stylist did a wonderful job. I have never been one to have just one hair style. I am pretty open to suggestions and ideas, and my stylist is full of fun and funky, short hair, hairstyles. So, I have gone from long hair, to an A-line bob, to a shorter bob, to a funky spike, to a fo' hawk, to a pixie cut.
As of February 2009, i have been trying to grow my hair out. Mainly because my husband always told me I looked like a little boy. (a little boy doesnt have these curvy hips, babe!) The picture of Davis and I, above, shows you how long my hair was, as of September 2009. It is slightly longer now, and brown. Now to the point which you can do nothing to make it look cute. All I can do is slap a headband on my head (Thank you, Jenny). Thats it. There is no personality to it at all.
As of yesterday, I have decided to cut my hair. Today, Meri had to open her mouth, and now I am debating on what to do! Either way, I have researched different styles that would be perfect for what I have in mind, just in case I decide to go through with it ;). I will let you know what I decide. I am a spontaneous person, if I decide to go through with it, you'll know by the end of the week. Hair is Change #1.
#2. Body Transformation
No, its not what you think! If you know me, you should know better! and if you dont, you can read my previous entry about Big boobs, and maybe you'll get an idea of what type of person I am.
I like to consider myself an athletic person. And could actually call myself athletic 6 months ago. Ever since Ragnar Wasatch Back (look it up), running and lifting have been dropped to the bottom of the priority list. The 6 months of NOT doing my regular workout routine has began to show in certain areas. Month after month I have noticed the changes, complained about them, and still did nothing. The once-toned-arms have become a little loose, even when I flex. The soccer legs have lost muscle. When you are a person who loves muscle, loves working out to keep muscle; to lose that motivation and drive for sexy muscles, it's quite the loss. What did I do to get them back? The obvious of course.. I complained to my husband how my body isn't what it once was, and then propped the yoga ball under my feet for comfort while watching House episodes. (Don't act like you aren't guilty of the same attitude sometimes.)
December 13, 2009, (just two days ago) I watched the movie Julie & Julia. Not a bad movie, wouldn't purchase it though. (I also like to consider myself a film critic). Anyway, the movie sort of gave me inspiration on what I can do to get back in shape. Am I going to blog my workout and my efforts? No, but I am going to keep a journal of my daily workouts, and what I did for that day. The deadline, my birthday, February 28th. I have 2 1/2 months to run and/or lift to see the improvements I can give my body. I am not looking to be a certain weight, I am not trying to diet and be skinny. I am trying to get back to the physically fit body that I had 6 months ago. There really isnt all that much to change besides building muscle. I eat pretty darn healthy, if you ask me. Its just the working out, that needs to be added to my daily routine. By February 28th, I want to feel the difference of what 2 1/2 months of working out can do to a person. I want to see a little definition in my legs and arms. And hopefully, after the two months of consistency.. working out will become a routine instead of a project. Something I need to do instead of forcing myself to do. Build muscle and a daily routine is my goal.
Today is December 16th. I can say that the last two days have been successful. I ran two miles the first day, the time I ran it in isn't important at this time. Day two, I did the elliptical for 2 miles and then had a very intense soccer game later that night. I would say almost 4 miles for day two. I am now on day 3.
Most of the details of this project are going to be kept in my personal journal and some on this blog. Please dont be expecting before and after pictures. First off, I am not that type of person, second, you, as an outsider, won't see much difference. I, being a self-criticizer, will notice a difference but you? I doubt it. I am the only one who will know if the project is a success or not. Therefore, I will post my accomplishments, small details I add or remove, on this blog. Maybe at the end of the project, I will post a photo.